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Barrett Processes



How to use the manual

We have worked hard to provide you with a comprehensive overview of processes used by all employees. Items that are specific to just one group are not included (ex: Interfolio use for faculty searches, CV’s, etc.).

Please provide any feedback you have regarding the Barrett Processes. Your ideas, comments, questions, suggestions can be made anonymously, if preferred. We will review everything that comes in and make adjustments accordingly. If you want us to get back with you, please be sure to leave your name!

Each Section contains a header that includes a References and Forms listing. When you click on a link within the body of the document, it will return you to the top of the current document where you can select the live link to the reference or form.

  1. There are a variety of formats that forms come in:
    1. Fillable PDF forms (see item d for further instructions
    2. Web forms housed on an ASU website – most are fillable from those sites
    3. PDF instructional forms
    4. Docusign or PowerForms that are completed on line and automatically routed to the correct individuals upon submission
  2. If the form you need is a fillable form housed in the Barrett Resource Manual Forms on Dropbox, you will need to:
    1. Ensure that you are signed in to your ASU Dropbox account. If you are not signed in, your only option will be to download the document. Sign in so that you can navigate and complete the forms more easily.
    2. Select the form you need to complete
    3. Choose “Open” from the box on the right side of the page
      Share Open Dropbox
    4. Select Open in Adobe Acrobat DC – NOTE: you should be able to open these documents as everyone has Adobe Reader but if you run into issues, please submit a ticket to the Barrett Deskside Support for assistance. We want to support you in the University’s shared goal of paperless transactions wherever possible.
      Share Open Dropbox
    5. Complete your document, save it with a new name, and email it as instructed.

This manual is continually updated.

Happy Reading! We look forward to your feedback!